Did you know that you could receive custom reports, market trends, and more industry data to help inform your strategy decisions? Statistical Surveys (SSI) is providing dealerships with reports on the most detailed and accurate market share data available. SSI utilizes dynamic technology and years of analytical expertise to create custom, organized reports through an easily accessible platform. Boatmart is committed to sharing the best resources for dealers, so we’re discussing all you need to know about our sister-company SSI.
SSI’s industry data reports can help your marine dealership discover untapped markets, understand current demand, and curate an ideal product mix. There’s a broad variety of information available in these reports to help boost your dealership performance.
For instance, SSI’s Boat Buyer Demographic report provides insight into key data on boat buyers, which can be leveraged when considering advertising strategy and which specific customers your dealership will focus its efforts on. With this report, you’ll have important details about unique buyer attributes that typically would be inaccessible, helping identify and understand potential new markets within your selling territories.
Additionally, SSI offers a Used Boat Report that compiles key dealer-based used boat registration data including details regarding the transfer, registration, and purchase of used boats. With this data, you gain a comprehensive view of which units have the best sales performance and how your dealership is penetrating its DMA. This data can also be used to plan the makeup of your used boat inventory based on which units are in high demand, giving you the ability to make an informed decision on which products your dealership will offer the markets you serve.
To provide the most accurate data in the Used Boat Report, SSI includes used boat information by make, model, and year sold in a select time frame. Need more details to help you make the most of your inventory? Well, this report also identifies which models were sold the most by state, which could be a huge advantage for your dealership. Not only does SSI provide the most recent data on the industry, but they also offer market trends from a historical viewpoint. Plus, with custom reports from SSI, you can tailor the information to your dealership’s specific needs. Accurate data is an important factor to keep in mind when thinking tactically about your dealership’s sales efforts and the opportunities you could gain with SSI’s expertise.
The information that SSI gathers is always available online through their Spotfire portal, providing quick access. The analytics database houses everything you need to know to support your dealership’s strategy and expand your customer base.
If you’re ready to gain key insights into the markets your dealership serves, contact SSI to learn more about how you can gain access to the vastest collection of invaluable market share data available.